Monthly Archives: July 2019

The world’s top ten luxury jewelry brands

Perfect 18k gold custom jewelry factory. 1:1 custom luxury brand jewelry and watches,18K Gold of the same purity and diamonds of the same grade,located in Shenzhen,China. We hope you enjoy exploring and choosing your beautiful jewelry. Not only do we have brand jewelry,we can also customize it. Make your jewelry unique.we are committed to providing excellent jewelry ordering experience for customers all over the world.

Women are exquisite and confident because of jewelry, and jewelry is glorious because of women; remember a celebrity who said: “Diamonds are naturally attractive to women!” The New York Luxury Research and Investigation Agency recently conducted a “Luxury Value Index” survey on top jewelry brands among high-end consumers, and released the top ten jewelry brands […]

What are the ten most famous works in the jewelry industry?

Crown And Scepter Of The British Empire (1)

In the long history of jewelry and various subdivisions, each historical stage, each country, and even each subdivision has its most influential and representative jewelry. If it is said that the most well-known and most universally-known jewelry at the moment, all are intertwined with the top power, the most beautiful woman, and the most romantic […]

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