Monthly Archives: October 2020

Bulgari 2020 High Jewelry Appreciation | A “Baroque” carnival about precious colored gemstones around the world

Perfect 18k gold custom jewelry factory. 1:1 custom luxury brand jewelry and watches,18K Gold of the same purity and diamonds of the same grade,located in Shenzhen,China.

I don’t know if any friends have studied European art style? Recently I became fascinated by the Baroque art, which originated in Rome, Italy around 1600, and then spread to most parts of Europe and became popular. Speaking of the Baroque style, there are many representatives, such as the Fountain of Four Rivers located in […]

Cartier High Jewelry Appreciation 2020 | A Natural Interpretation of “Supernatural”

Cartier [SUR]NATUREL High Jewelry Collection PANTHÈRE TROPICALE Bracelet Watch

Natural elements are inexhaustible”, this is the feeling that my friends and I have expressed during the holiday. What we mean by means such as the shape of water, the patterns of animals, the lines of plants, etc. come from nature. Elements (not natural resources). These are also valuable inspirations for the achievement of high-end […]

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