Cartier High Jewelry Appreciation 2020 | A Natural Interpretation of “Supernatural”

Cartier [SUR]NATUREL High Jewelry Collection PANTHÈRE TROPICALE Bracelet Watch

Natural elements are inexhaustible”, this is the feeling that my friends and I have expressed during the holiday. What we mean by means such as the shape of water, the patterns of animals, the lines of plants, etc. come from nature. Elements (not natural resources). These are also valuable inspirations for the achievement of high-end jewelry. Today we want to continue to talk about nature with you. This time we will look at Cartier’s new [Sur]Naturel high-end jewelry series’ interpretation of nature.

As we said at the beginning, the new [Sur]Naturel high-end jewelry series draws inspiration from the elements of water, plants and animals. This time, the jewelry designer wants to express the original vitality through the details in the natural elements.

Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Collection GHARIAL Necklace
And SINOPÉ necklace

In addition, I don’t know if you are curious about the “Sur” in the name of the series. This word is derived from French and can be translated as “detached from”. Therefore, this series can be said to interpret nature beyond nature. Sounds a bit sloppy? I believe you will have your own understanding after reading [Sur]Naturel high-end jewelry series.


Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Collection GHARIAL Necklace
Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Collection GHARIAL Necklace

The abstract style necklace Gharial is inspired by the majestic representative of the reptile kingdom-the crocodile. Diamonds and rectangular emeralds of different geometric shapes are stacked on top of each other, showing the effect of crocodile scales. In particular, the five Zambian emeralds and two tapered diamonds inlaid on the necklace seem to show us the figure of a crocodile, full of three-dimensionality.


Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Series HEMIS Necklace

The Hemis necklace made of opals of different shapes gives us a lot of imagination. Some people think that this is the pebbles on the river bed, but some people think it is the spotted fur on the cheetah.

Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Series HEMIS Necklace

And a purple spodumene weighing 71.80 carats is even more noticeable. The fuchsia main stone is matched with opal of the same color, and if you look carefully enough, you will find that there are pink diamonds inlaid between these gems. In addition, diamonds are of course indispensable. The chain part of the necklace is paved with diamonds of different sizes, and the diamonds are also shaped into a pebble shape or a pentagonal shape, which also echoes the opal and is very individual.


Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Collection OPHEIS Necklace

At first glance, is this necklace similar to the first “crocodile” necklace? The Opheis necklace, which also follows the abstract style route, depicts the silhouette of a snake. It’s just that Cartier did not design the concrete characteristics of the snake this time, but through the lines and the special cut of the gems, the snake’s winding posture was depicted.

The snake head is made of a 53.94 carat rounded rectangular Zambian emerald. Interestingly, this emerald is also inlaid with a triangular diamond on top. Does it look more like a snake head? The scales are made of triangular diamonds. In addition, Cartier also specially chose a triangular onyx pattern to outline the snake’s ridge, and the three-dimensional sense of a snake appeared in front of you!


Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Collection SINOPÉ Necklace

Water often inspires creative inspiration for jewelry designers, but how to create the flowing posture of water is not easy. The Sinopé necklace demonstrates this fluid beauty. The layering effect created by diamonds and 18K white gold is like rippling water ripples, and five rare cornflower blue oval sapphires are the finishing touches of the work.

Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Collection SINOPÉ Necklace

In addition, in terms of craftsmanship, although the necklace has a winding and undulating design, the hinge device used by Cartier under precise consideration can make the necklace fit the neck well. The lapis lazuli on the edge of the necklace is another technical challenge hidden in the work, which requires cutting the hard gemstone into a curve and then setting it on the edge of the necklace. The addition of lapis lazuli not only highlights the theme of “water”, but also echoes the five sapphires.


Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Series TILLANDSIA Necklace
Cartier [SUR] NATUREL High Jewelry Series TILLANDSIA Necklace

The Tillandsia necklace is inspired by a plant called air pineapple. The most unique design in the necklace must be the combination of two beryls and a diamond grid. The pure and thorough beryls use hidden invisible mountings, which look like floating on the “diamond net”, and vice versa. It looks like a diamond is embedded in a transparent crystal. In addition to the verdure of beryl, the jewelry designer also added human yellow diamonds, hair crystals, and brown diamonds in the works. The light and transparent colors are matched together, which looks particularly refreshing.


Cartier [SUR]NATUREL High Jewelry Collection PANTHÈRE TROPICALE Bracelet Watch

Finally, this Panthère Tropicale bracelet watch is my personal favorite. The design of the bracelet watch returns to Cartier’s most classic “cheetah world”. Imagine when the land king “cheetah” meets the marine life “coral”, what sparks will they collide with? This spark is the Panthère Tropicale bracelet watch. It is said that this is the first time Cartier has combined a cheetah and coral together!

Cartier [SUR]NATUREL High Jewelry Collection PANTHÈRE TROPICALE Bracelet Watch

Viewed from the front, the 12 o’clock position of the diamond dial is inlaid with the “cheetah pattern” of onyx, two octagonal aquamarine and blue tourmaline are arranged intersectingly. The two sides of the bracelet watch have a cheetah fur effect on one side and coral on the other, forming a sharp contrast. It is worth mentioning here that coral carving is a difficult challenge, because this extremely delicate natural material may break if it is too strong. The entire process needs to be restarted from scratch, so highly professional gemstones are required. The craftsman’s strong attention and precise techniques.

After reading these works, do you have a deeper understanding of the “supernatural” expressed in the [Sur]Naturel high-end jewelry series? In my opinion, Mina Cartier expresses the subtle details of natural elements with supernatural techniques and abstract style. On the other hand, through careful observation of natural elements, the series of works produced are “supernatural”!

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